De-Extinction: Jurassic
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De-Extinction Mod APK v1.3.8.9 (Menu, Game Speed)

De-Extinction: Jurassic MOD APK – invites you to build a thriving dinosaur sanctuary and explore epic battles atop your dinosaur mounts.

Name De-Extinction: Jurassic
Publisher SeaMo Entertainment
Size 154 MB
MOD Info Menu, Game Speed
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“De-Extinction: Jurassic,” a game developed by Arc Games International, has recently entered early access on Android in select regions, including the United States and the Philippines. This game brings a fresh twist to the genre of base-building and strategy, immersing players in a world where dinosaurs once again roam the Earth. With its unique blend of genetic engineering, base management, and thrilling adventure, “De-Extinction: Jurassic” is poised to captivate gamers worldwide.


Set in a near-future scenario, “De-Extinction: Jurassic” explores the consequences of advanced genetic technology. In the year 2050, the energy and gene therapy giant, The Dimension Miracle, discovers well-preserved dinosaur specimens under the Arctic ice. They successfully resurrect these prehistoric creatures and establish a resort and research facility on Lomiarah Island. However, contact with the island is mysteriously lost, prompting players to step in as commanders of an elite squad tasked with uncovering the island’s secrets and ensuring the safety of both the dinosaurs and human inhabitants.


Central to the gameplay of “De-Extinction: Jurassic” is the concept of base building. Players must construct and upgrade facilities to support their growing dinosaur park. From medical labs to genetic research centers, each structure plays a crucial role in managing the park’s operations and ensuring the well-being of its inhabitants. Customization is key, allowing players to design their park layout and enhance the functionality of their buildings to meet their strategic needs.


One of the game’s standout features is its extensive roster of over 100 dinosaur species. Players can interact with a wide variety of dinosaurs, each with unique characteristics and behaviors. Whether befriending a gentle Triceratops or capturing and training a formidable T-Rex, the game offers numerous opportunities to explore the rich and diverse dinosaur ecology. Additionally, the genetic modification aspect allows players to create entirely new species by experimenting with different DNA combinations, adding a layer of depth and creativity to the gameplay.


The narrative of “De-Extinction: Jurassic” is filled with adventure and intrigue. Players lead their squads through dangerous and uncharted territories on Lomiarah Island, facing challenges ranging from ferocious dinosaur encounters to human conspiracies. The dynamic environment keeps players engaged as they uncover the island’s mysteries and work towards restoring Midland’s former glory. Strategic decision-making is crucial, as players must balance exploration with the safety and management of their squad and park.


In their quest to restore order to the island, players will encounter various characters who can join their team. These include dinosaur trainers, scientists, mercenaries, and even tourists. Each recruit brings unique skills and advantages, contributing to the overall strength and versatility of the squad. Effective team management and strategic recruitment are essential for overcoming the diverse challenges presented by the island’s unpredictable environment.


“De-Extinction: Jurassic” also features a multiplayer component, allowing players to interact with others who have embarked on similar missions. Whether choosing to form alliances or engage in confrontations, players can influence the island’s power dynamics and shape their own unique stories. This aspect of cooperation and competition adds a social dimension to the game, enhancing its replayability and depth.


Currently available in early access, “De-Extinction: Jurassic” continues to evolve as developers gather feedback from the player community. Regular updates and new content are expected, ensuring that the game remains engaging and fresh. The early access period allows players to participate in the game’s development journey, contributing to its refinement and improvement.


“De-Extinction: Jurassic” offers a compelling blend of strategy, adventure, and creativity, set against the backdrop of a prehistoric world brought back to life. Its rich storyline, diverse gameplay mechanics, and stunning dinosaur ecology make it a standout title in the mobile gaming landscape. As the game progresses through its early access phase, it promises to deliver even more exciting content and features, solidifying its place as a must-play for dinosaur enthusiasts and strategy game fans alike.

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